Pets benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations. Since our pets age significantly faster than us, we recommend that all pets receive an examination at least once a year. Taking your pet to the veterinarian once a year is the same as if you were to see a doctor for an exam only once every 6 to 8 years. As they get older, more frequent examinations may be necessary.


During our wellness examination, we look at your pet’s heart and lung functions, joints, muscles, hearing, vision, and many other areas. Because so much can change with your pet's physical health, a regular exam is a must to ensure your pet remains happy and healthy.

Appointment request
Need an appointment with a vet in Holmdel? Requesting an appointment is now easier than ever. Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule.
Client Name*
Phone Number*
Email Address
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Preferred Appt Date
Preferred Appt Time
Pet Type